Adjust the secondary mirror without tools, precisely and without risk of a wrench or screwdriver falling on the primary mirror.
Προσωρινά Εξαντλημένο (Αναμένεται)
Συνήθως αποστέλλεται σε 3-14 μέρες.
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TS-Optics M4 Knurled Screws for Secondary Mirror Adjustment, Length 35 mm
Adjust the secondary mirror without tools, precisely and without risk of a wrench or screwdriver falling on the primary mirror, for example.
Compared to the normal small collimation screws, the TS knurled screws have some advantages, such as the flat milled surface. If there is a burr on the screw, it carves into the aluminium secondary mirror holder. The accuracy of the collimation decreases. In addition, the secondary mirror can twist during collimation. A precise adjustment becomes impossible.
The screws fit all Newtonian telescopes from GSO, TS-Optics or Skywatcher and all telescopes where the secondary mirror adjustment is done with M4 screws.