Short adapter to T2 for 9x50 finders - turns the finder into a super compact guide scope for astrophotography with autoguiders.
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Short adapter to T2 for 9x50 finders - turns the finder into a super compact guide scope for astrophotography with autoguiders.
T2 connection adapter for your 9x50 finder - extremely short
Modern autoguider like the Lacerta M-Gen are very efficient and offer a high resolution. For telescopes up to 8" aperture, even a 50 mm finder is sufficient for clean guiding with an autoguider. Thus, you save a heavy guide scope or the complex adaption with an off-axis guider.
Easy and screwed adaption:
Simply remove the eyepiece from the finder (by unscrewing) and insert the parfocal adapter. Then, you can dirctly screw in the M-Gen autoguider and get started. Your 9x50 finder turns into a compact guide scope.
Focusing is done via the knurled ring at the lens of the finder.