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HEQ5 - SkyScan Pro - Equatorial Mount GoTo
Sky-Watcher Pro mounts have been designed for use by novices and experts alike. These mounts provide extremely high precision tracking and have built in autoguider ports. This heavy-duty HEQ5 Pro mount is a smaller version of the sturdy EQ6 Pro mount. It is specially designed for observers who need the steadiness of the EQ6 Pro mount, but find the EQ6 Pro mount too physically demanding.
For novice users the user-friendly menu allows automatic slewing to over 13,400 objects. Even an inexperienced astronomer can master its variety of features in a few observing sessions. The SynScan Hand Control also has the ability to connect to a computer via a RS-232 cable. Once the connection has been established between the computer and SynScan Hand Control, many commercially available planetarium software programs can be used to control the HEQ5 PRO Mounts, They also come with features that advanced astronomers can appreciate:
• Positioning Accuracy up to 1 arc minute. Accuracy enhanced by software collimation error (mount mechanical error) compensation.
• Stepper motors with 1.8° step angle and 64 micro steps driven.
• Slewing speed up to 3.4°/sec (800X).
• Auto Guider Interface for astrophotography.
• Guiding speed selectable from 0.25X, 0.50X, 0.75X, or 1X.
• Object database containing complete Messier, NGC, and IC catalogues.
• Minimal vibration for steady long-exposure photography.
• Periodic Error Correction.
• PC compatibility.
• Upgradeable hand control via internet download.
Mount: Type of build | Equatorial GoTo |
Load capacity | 14 |
Dovetail | Losmandy & Vixen Style |
Power supply | 11-15 V DC 2Amp |
Counterweights | 2 x 5.1 kg |
Control | Hand control |
Hand control | SynScan |
Tripod height | 970 - 1210 mm |
PEC Correction | Yes |
Polar scope | Included |
Tripod material | Stainless steel |
Software | SynScan |
Head weight (kg) | 10 |
Box 1 | 440 x 440 x 240 mm ( 11 Kg ) |
Box 2 | 1250 x 250 x 230 mm ( 18 Kg ) |
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