Housing a superb 130mm Parabolic Primary Mirror, this telescope is an excellent and capable all-rounder which will provide wonderful views of both the Moon and the planets as well as Deep-Sky Objects.


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SkyWatcher Dobsonian Truss 130mm Heritage Flextube

Heritage--In honor of those that have gone before

Sky-Watcher is proud to present the commemorative International Year of Astronomy telescope--Heritage P130

Skywatcher designed this telescope for the International Year of Astronomy (IYA) - it is not an undersized mini-telescope that might show just a handful of objects, but it is a powerful telescope for a lifetime of enjoyment in a still extremely portable body. With its 130mm parabolical primary mirror you can view thousands of objects.

With its clever patented extendable truss tube design the telescope is extremely portable. Fully retracted the tube is only 37cm in length! Setup takes only minutes and can easily be done without special tools.

What objects can you see?

With its parabolic mirror with 130mm aperture the Heritage has an excellent image quality for stunning views of the moon and the planets:

  • Phases of Mercury and Venus
  • Details on Moon's surface
  • Polar caps of Mars
  • Great Red Spot and cloud bands on Jupiter
  • Rings of Saturn, including the famous Cassini divisioni

Beyond our solar system thousands of star clusters, gas nebulae, planetary nebulae and galaxies are within reach of this telescope. You can see much more than in the ubiquitous 114mm Newtonian.


Easy Operation ... The Heritage is a Dobsonian-style telescope. As a consequence it is very easy to use.

-- Just place the telescope on a rigid flat surface, e.g. a strong table or the ground
-- Pull the tube to its fully extended position
-- Insert an eyepiece and enjoy observing!

You can point the telescope at any point in the sky with left-right and up-down movements. With a little practice it is easy to follow the movement of the objects even at maximum magnification.



More Information
Net Weight (g) 6500
Optical design Newtonian Reflector
Aperture (mm) 130
Focal length - F (mm) 650
Focal ratio (f/) 5
Mount Altazimuth
Finderscope Star Pointer
Maximum useful magnification (x) 260
Eyepiece LE 10mm WA (65x) & LE 25mm (26x), Ø31.8mm
Box 1 530 x 400 x 400 mm ( 16.96 Kg )
  • Base diameter: 32cm
  • Maximum height: 79cm
  • Minimum height: 54cm
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