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The Skywatcher 707 refractor gathers already 100x more light than the human eye and also offers a much higher resolution. The lunar craters and the planets of our solar system are good targets for this lens telescope.
The 707 advantages:
The SK707AZ comes already completely equipped:
The alt-azimuthal mount AZ2:
This mount is very popular because it sets up quickly and, similar to photo tripods, you just need to put it in place and you can start observing. Complicated levelling and polar alignment procedures are not necessary. All you need to do is pointing the telescope to a target, lock the clamps and you can begin.
Courtesy of Peter Roth, Gifts from the Earth, Toronto, ON
Price | €184.00 |
Net Weight (g) | 4000 |
Optical design | Achromatic Refractor |
Aperture (mm) | 70 |
Focal length - F (mm) | 700 |
Focal ratio (f/) | 10 |
Mount | Altazimuth |
Finderscope | 5x24 |
Maximum useful magnification (x) | 140 |
Eyepiece | Super 25mm WA, Long Eye Relief (28x), Super 10mm (70x), Ø31.8mm, 2x Barlow |
Box 1 | 1000 x 320 x 280 mm ( 6.8 Kg ) |