RC telescopes from TS-Optics are made for astrophotographers. High-quality images of galaxies and nebulae with perfect stars to the edge are possible without additional correctors.
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RC telescopes from TS-Optics are made for astrophotographers. High-quality images of galaxies and nebulae with perfect stars to the edge are possible without additional correctors. At the same time, the image is brighter and contrastier than, for example, the one of a Schmidt-Cassegrain with corrector. Professionals use RC telescopes and now this telescope type is also at your disposal.
The advantages of the TS-Optics RC Telescopes at a glance:
♦ Hyperbolic primary and secondary mirror for a large fully corrected field of view. ♦ Astrophotography with camera sensors up to full-frame size possible without corrector. For larger sensors, Teleskop-Service offers ready-to-use corrector solutions. ♦ 99% dielectric high-reflectivity coating on main and secondary mirror for an even brighter image. ♦ Significantly shorter cooling down time through open construction and active primary mirror ventilation. ♦ Internal baffles in the tube for even more contrast. ♦ High back focus for correctors, reducers and also binoviewers. ♦ Only from TS - configure your RC with the right focuser and optimize the telescope for your spectrum of tasks.
Astrophotography with the TS-Optics 10" RC telescope:
Better and sharper astro images without corrector with shorter exposure times. Exactly that is made possible by using this RC telescope with astro cameras and SLR cameras up to full-frame size sensors. As a pure mirror system, you can even use the infrared light. You can achieve up to 25% shorter exposure times and a sharper image than, for example, a comparable Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. With the focal reducer CCD47, you can even increase the focal ratio to fast f/5.29.
Spacers for the ideal back-focus are supplied. You don´t need extension tubes, thanks to the spacers, the focuser is always in an optimal position, whether you observe or photograph.
Even large camera sensors up to full-frame size can be used. Even without corrector, sharpness in the field is already very good. With the RC correctors, developed by Teleskop-Service, it becomes even better.
Primary and secondary mirror of quartz glass with 99% reflectivity and protective dielectrical quarz layer:
Quartz glass does not change its dimensions if temperature changes. When the temperature changes slowly during an exposure, other mirror substrates, like Pyrex, tend to a deformation of the mirror and thus to a shift of the focus. This problem does not exist for mirrors of quartz glass. Thus the focus is better maintained which is very important for long exposures. Both mirrors are coated with 99% reflectivity. The image is obviously brighter than the one of telescopes with only 90% or 94% reflection layer.
The advantages of TS RC telescopes for astrophotography:
The TS RC astrographs are true Ritchey-Chrétien telescopes. Maksutovs and Schmidt-Cassegrains have spherical mirrors and need correctors for making a large field usable. With Schmidt-Cassegrains, you can see the aberrations in the field even when working visually. Most times, Maksutov-Cassegrains are so slow that they are not suitable for astrophotography. RC telescopes have hyperbolical primary and secondary mirrors. They are more difficult to manufacture, but offer a significantly sharper field with less aberrations throughout the field.
Why is the RC Telescope superior to Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes with correctors:
Celestron EHD or Meade ACF telescopes need a corrector. Additionally, these telescopes have a Schmidt plate at the front side which is prone to dew. The RC is a pure reflection system without lenses in the light path. Thus you can use the complete light even in the infrared range. The image is brighter and the exposure times get shorter. The field of an RC telescope is coma-free by design and relatively flat.
No shifting problem with TS RC telescopes:
Telescopes with focusing via movable primary mirror often suffer from the "shifting problem". The image shifts while focusing or even jumps. By now, Meade and Celestron have the problem under control, but the effect is noticable nonetheless. TS RC telescopes do not have this problem, as their primary mirror is fixed. Focusing is done via a high-quality focuser. An additional advantage is the optimal distance from primary to secondary mirror. This gives you the guarantee of the best possible image. If the primary mirror moves relatively to the secondary, you will practically never have the optimal distance.