Pier-stand J-S for NJP (height : 66cm)

Pier-stand J-S for NJP (height : 66cm)

Pier-stand J-S for NJP (height : 66cm)


Pier-stand J-S for NJP (height: 66 cm)


Available Upon Request

Available Upon Request

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Availability: In stock

Pier-stand J-S for NJP (height: 66 cm)

Takahashi offers heavy columns for stationary installation for its mounts. For the old NJP there are three different heights, the low J-S is e.g. good for a Newton, the very high J-LL for long devices like the TOA-150 or FS-152. Besides the high stability, the big advantage of columns is that the tube can be swung through freely, even with longer devices or far overhanging accessories there is no bumping at a tripod leg.

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