The 12MP Levenhuk M1200 PLUS Digital Camera produces high-resolution well-detailed photos and videos of samples while observing with microscopes of any manufacturer.
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Levenhuk M1200 PLUS Digital Camera
The 12MP Levenhuk M1200 PLUS Digital Camera produces high-resolution well-detailed photos and videos of samples while observing with microscopes of any manufacturer. The camera is mounted in a 23.2mm eyepiece tube (with an adapter that can be mounted in 30mm and 30.5mm eyepiece tubes). It is a universal tool suitable for both professional research and hobbies. The camera can also be used as a digital eyepiece to live stream the process of the study on a computer screen.
The camera is equipped with a sensitive 1/2.3" CMOS sensor. The maximum photo resolution is 3840x3040pix. The same resolution is available for taking video at a minimum frame rate of 3fps. The maximum frame rate of 47fps provides a resolution of 960x758pix, so you can capture both fast and slow-motion video with most detail.
The software is compatible with most operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux) and is designed for camera control, settings adjustment, and photo and video processing. It is connected to a PC or laptop via a USB port.
Price | €569.00 |
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