Counterweight for AZ-GTi

Counterweight for AZ-GTi

Counterweight for AZ-GTi


Counterweight shaft and counterweight for Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi mounts.


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Temporarily Out Of Stock

Ships within 3-14 days.
In this case there is currently zero availability of these items which we usually keep in stock. However, it is very likely that these items are available in the distribution centers in Europe of the manufacturers with whom we cooperate or of our other suppliers and thus we can immediately replace a product that has run out. If we know in advance that the delivery time for temporarily out-of-stock products exceeds 14 days, then we will notify you by e-mail or telephone.

Availability: In stock

Counterweight for AZ-GTi

Counterweight shaft and counterweight for Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi mounts.

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