9x50 Right-Angled Finderscope - upright image

9x50 Right-Angled Finderscope - upright image

9x50 Right-Angled Finderscope - upright image


The search of the celestial targets is easy with this convenient accessory.

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Availability: In stock
Comfortable 90° Viewing Position

With the integrated erecting prism this finder offers a comfortable 90° viewing position. This is particularly helpful near the zenith, where you will not have to strain your neck, like you would with a typical finderscope.

Multi-Coated Lens and Eyepiece

This finder has an image quality comparable with a compact telescope: A high contrast and a bright image, thanks to multi layer coating. Even many faint objects can be seen in direct vision through this finder.

Quick release finder bracket

The finder has an easy to use and very practical finder bracket. You only need to operate two screws located at 90°. A spring eliminates the need for further screws. The bracket will fit into standard finder bases from Vixen, Skywatcher, Celestron, GSO etc.


The finder can be focused for your eyes by turning the objective cell. Once you have attained a properly sharp image you can lock the focus with a locking ring. Unless the user changes, this procedure will need to be done only once.

More Information
Net Weight (g) 680
Box 1 191 x 140 mm ( 0.68 Kg )
  • Διάφραγμα: 50 mm
  • Μεγέθυνση: 9x
  • Μέγιστη ωφέλιμη μεγέθυνση: 118x
  • Ελάχιστη ωφέλιμη μεγέθυνση: 7.14x
  • Οριακό αστρικό μέγεθος: 11
  • Διακριτική ικανότητα (Rayleigh): 2.79 arcsec
  • Διακριτική ικανότητα (Dawes): 2.32 arcsec
  • Φωτοσυλλεκτική ικανότητα (σε σχέση με το ανθρώπινο μάτι): 51x
  • Φαινόμενο οπτικό πεδίο: 5°
  • Βάρος: 680 gr
  • Μήκος: 191 mm
  • Ύψος: 140 mm











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