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The Sky-Watcher Dobsonian Telescope 10" has a "paraboloidal" primary mirror to eliminate spherical aberration and a four...
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The favorite choice of Greek amateur astronomers! DOBSONIAN telescopes offer the best combination of low cost, flexibili...
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EVOSTAR telescopes are ideal for the detailed high-power study of the Moon, Planetary Surfaces and other objects in our...
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The Skymax 127 is a compact and poweful telescope for planetary and deep-sky observing, but it can also be used very wel...
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Crisp images at a reasonable price make it an excellent beginner's "first telescope", or a great travelling telescope fo...
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Optimized for all Sky-Watcher fast-ratio f/5 Newtonian Reflectors /Dobsonians, with 2” focuser. Delivers stunning wide-f...
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Optimised for the Evostar-120ED PRO, this superb quality accessory effectively reduces the telescope’s focal length by a...
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Explore the Moon, the Sun and planets, or use this affordable telescope for terrestrial observations...
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This Sky-Watcher 120mm (4") f/5 telescope is a two-element, air-spaced, fully multi-coated objective, achromatic refract...
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For amateur astronomers seeking superior equatorial control and the ease of a precision computerized GO-TO system, the N...
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The Sky-Watcher Maksutov-Cassegrains are the ultimate take-anywhere telescopes. They are also ideal if working space is...
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A perfect companion to large spotting scopes, this all-metal alt-azimuth mount is exceptionally sturdy and easy to opera...
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Sky-Watcher Pro mounts have been designed for use by novices and experts alike. These mounts provide extremely high prec...
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The EQ6 extension tube extends the height of the EQ6 mount so it is easier for the observer to look into a long refracto...
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The Barlow lens is used to multiply the focal length (Magnifying Power) of the objective lens. It is inserted between th...
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Ѕkуmах РRО ѕеrіеѕ Маkѕutоv-Саѕѕеgrаіnѕ аrе mаnufасturеd tо ехtrеmеlу hіgh lеvеlѕ оf орtісаl аnd mесhаnісаl рrесіѕіоn, un...
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